Bloating Testing and Treatment

Bloating is the biggest issue I see in the clinic. Whether it be a conversation with a patient, a comment from someone doing my Bloated to Body Confident course or a message on social media, I always hear sufferers describe their bloat as if they look ‘six months pregnant’ when they are not.
It’s important to realise that bloating is a symptom of something else happening in the digestive system. There could be one or more reasons for the overproduction of gas and/or an issue with gas elimination.
The combination of these two results in painful and uncomfortable distension in the abodemen, which is often mistaken for the pregnancy bloat.
In addition to the physical discomfort, bloating has a huge impact on your mental health, relationship with food, ability to wear clothes, go on holidays and socialise with loved ones.
Bloating is a complex issue to treat, especially when all of your tests have come back as normal. Often band-aid treatments are relied on for symptom relief, but unfortunately these do not address bloating at its root cause.
Good news! I have helped hundreds of women get rid of their bloating for good, let me tell you how.
Why you need to work with a holistic bloating practitioner
• The correct tests have been ordered to thoroughly understand the cause of your bloating
• The tests have been interpreted correctly which will help narrow down bloating treatment options
• The best holistic treatments for bloating have been chosen for your unique needs
• The underlying causes for bloating is being addressed, which will help reduce your risk of staying on long-term restrictive diets, or being stuck using ineffective symptom relief treatments
• Other complicated issues that contribute to bloating, such as microbiome dysbiosis, motility, inflammation and nervous system dysfunction are supported
• You will understand the importance of individualised dietary advice to support your bloating journey which will reduce food anxiety and confusion
I share my favorite symptom reliefs in my free masterclass. So while you are feeling better in the short-term, keep digging deeper to identify your root cause for long lasting results.
1. Diagnostic tests such as blood tests, colonoscopies and gastroscopies to help diagnose any gut related conditions that can contribute to bloating
2. Functional tests that assess the dysfunction of your digestive system. An example of these would be comprehensive stool tests, small intestinal bacterial overgrowth tests and leaky gut tests.
The combination of these help you understand your issue beyond a diagnosis or if a diagnostic test hasn’t provided results functional testing can often be where you get results. I share how to find the root cause of your bloating in my free masterclass
In the free masterclass you can learn about the step-by-step approach to testing and treating your bloat so you can get rid of it for good.