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Raw Black Forest Dessert

Did you know that Black Forest Dessert can help you treat leaky gut?

It’s 100% true! But, there is one caveat…

As a Gut Expert and Naturopath, I understand how some desserts can screw up your digestion, trigger gut symptoms, and instigate a range of inflammatory reactions that make you feel bloated and yuk. Sorry, but the standard black forest cake recipe that you know and love fits into this category.

Choc Mint Vegan Cheesecake (Gut Expert Approved!)
What do you do when you LOVE desserts, but you…
  1. a) have a sensitive gut, and
  2. b) want to choose something your Gut Specialist or Naturopath will approve of?
 The answer? Actually, it’s easy…
…You can enjoy this Choc Mint Vegan Cheesecake, as it’s loaded with gut healing ingredients and just happens to be approved by me – a Gut Expert and Naturopath in Melbourne, Australia.
Are Digestive Enzymes Causing Your Gut Issues? (A Question Your Gut Specialist Should Be Asking)

If your gut specialist hasn’t already posed the question, Are digestive enzymes causing your gut issues?, it’s time for you to either bring it to their attention or get a new gut specialist.

Seriously, this is how important digestive enzymes are to gut health.

If you’re reading this and wondering what on earth are digestive enzymes, that’s okay as I’m here to help. Let’s look at the facts.

Chilli Non Carne (Help Your Leaky Gut Using This Recipe)

Did you know that one of the BEST ways to help treat leaky gut is to minimise your red meat intake?

It’s true… but, before you make assumptions and think that the best Naturopath in Melbourne (a cute title given to me by my client this morning) is suggesting you become vegetarian – think again.

How To Choose The Right Probiotic For You: A Gut Expert's Guide

If you’ve ever stood in the probiotic section of a health shop or pharmacy and wondered which probiotic is right for you, maybe while feeling a little overwhelmed, you’re not alone.

As a Gut Expert and Naturopath in Melbourne, I regularly find myself discussing probiotics and their relationship to gut health, as well as what the differences are between the hundreds of probiotic products on the market. It’s never a quick conversation as this is a complex topic, but it is one that’s worth taking the time to cover because, as a Gut Expert, I want every one of my clients to feel empowered throughout their gut healing journey.

How To Make A Smoothie That Helps Leaky Gut (6 Pro Tips From The ‘Best Naturopath In Melbourne’)

Did you know the humble smoothie can help treat Leaky Gut, IBS, SIBO and many other gut conditions?... But only if you’re making them correctly.

You see, all smoothies are not created equal.

Have you ever noticed that you feel a bit yuk after drinking a smoothie, or that your digestive symptoms flare up?

That could be because you’re not aware of the best practices when it comes to gut health and smoothie creation.

5 Detox Facts Your Gut Expert Wants You To Know

If you begin a detox WITHOUT first knowing the fundamental detoxing facts, you’re not going to get the most from your program.

I make this promise to you as a Gut Expert and Naturopath (Melbourne is my beautiful home) who’s spent years curating effective gut health programs. After spending way too much time counseling clients who have jumped into crazy crash detox plans (please, please don't!), I feel the call to share with you the realities about detoxing, debunk some common myths, and ultimately provide facts so that you can begin your detox plan in a safe, healthy and fad-free way. 

Raspberry Crumble Bressert (What Nigella Lawson Won’t Tell You About This Recipe)

While Nigella Lawson is Queen of the kitchen, she’s not exactly the person you’d consult when looking for a sweet recipe that treats leaky gut or SIBO.

Instead, you’d turn to a Gut Expert or Naturopath (like me) who intimately understands the connection between the food you eat, how it’s digested, and the impact it has on your health.

Enter this gluten free Raspberry Crumble recipe. Or, as I prefer to call it, Raspberry Crumble BRESSERT – because it's bursting with so much gut-loving nutrition that it’s ideal for both breakfast and dessert.

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