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Healthy Vegan Chocolate

As a holistic gut health expert, I am all about recreating some of my favourite treats to be healthier without compromising on taste. It's fun and I love the challenge.

This raw chocolate recipe is, hands down, an absolute favourite of mine. Created to be easy and quick to make and, of course, delicious. It is refined sugar, gluten and dairy free and vegan friendly - winning!

Pomegranate and Quinoa Salad
Salads don't have to be boring, in fact, if you find salad boring, you're doing it wrong.
You can have so much fun with fresh vibrant vegetables paired with wholesome grains and simply delicious dressings, the days of just having lettuce and tomato are well and truly over.
Food allergy or food intolerance?
I hear so many people use the words food intolerance and food allergy interchangeably, without understanding they are totally different things!
As a naturopath who's obsessed with gut health, I want to give you the breakdown of how they differ and provide you with some things you can do to manage and potentially overcome these issues.
Easy Apricot and Coconut Energy Bars

As a holistic gut health expert, I am always looking for more ways to get more fibre in the diet. Too often the high fibre snacks we see in supermarkets are laden with refined and fake sugars like glucose syrup and high fructose corn syrup. These sugars can feed the bacteria and yeasts you are trying to avoid feeding in your effort to eat more fibre.

Baked Tempeh with Crunchy Peanut Sauce

Melbourne is a cultural melting pot of cuisines with so many new and exotic ingredients to explore. As a gut health naturopath, I am big advocate of plant-based eating and eating less animal protein, so I want to introduce you to (potentially) one of your new favourite, tempeh.

What is tempeh and what is it made of?

Fibre-Rich Flax & Fig Bliss Balls

This recipe is the perfect energy and nutrient dense treat that your gut bugs will love and it's naturopath approved!

Each bliss ball contains a rich source of fibre which can help you fight cardiovascular disease, support a healthy weight and (my favourite) support the health of your gut.

The Only Green Smoothie You'll Ever Need

As a naturopathic gut expert I know how powerful green smoothies can be at boosting your daily nutrition.

They can be made to whatever flavour profile you crave (or to be honest, whatever it left over in the fridge sometimes). 

I want to share with you my go-to formula for a green smoothie that turns out yummy and nourishing, not like you are eating grass!

Guilt-Free Chocolate Hazelnut Truffles

Based on one of my all time favourite chocolates, Ferrero Rocher, I wanted to see if I could make some just as delicious but with a gut health naturopath spin using whole ingredients free from refined sugar, additives, preservatives and palm oil, commonly found in store bought chocolate.

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